Building an Automation Ecomm Infrastructure for Rapid Growth

Aug 31, 2021, 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Join us Live to level up your growth!

About this event

Growing sectors always have overlooked areas. Building an automation eCommerce infrastructure is one of those things many D2C brands overlook. Yet, automation is necessary for the current fast-paced, innovation-driven economy.

Introducing an automation infrastructure to your business can cut costs and boost revenues by helping you take advantage of more opportunities. Also, since websites operate 24/7, automating key processes keeps your organization at its best even when staff isn’t present.

But where do you start? What is the best path to a solid eCommerce automation infrastructure?

Charting a path to robust eCommerce automation

Knowing how hands-off you want to be and which processes to optimize via automation are the first things to figure out. Many eCommerce tasks are repetitive, mundane, and time-consuming but highly essential. Ecommerce automation can automate and improve those processes.

Additionally, consumers have a plethora of shopping choices online. The high level of competition makes automation even more crucial. Brands need to spend more time on marketing than repetitive tasks, and an automation infrastructure makes that possible.

What you’ll get from the event

  • Learn about eCommerce automation from all angles.
  • Discover the most valuable ways to automate D2C business processes.
  • See how automation can improve the customer experience (CX).
  • The benefits of building an eCommerce automation infrastructure are beyond cutting costs and increasing sales. With one in place, companies typically also experience an uptick in efficiency, productivity, data and task accuracy.


  • Reyna Juan


    Director of Customer Success and Deployment

  • Jon Knott


    Senior Partner Manager

  • Doron Feder


    Head of Growth

  • Leya Leydiker


    Director, Technology Partnerships

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